how to reopen closed tab on mac

How to Reopen Closed Tab on Mac – Step-by-Step Guide for 2023

We’ve all been there – immersed in multiple browser tabs on our Mac, only to accidentally close the wrong one. The frustration sets in as we try to remember the page’s content and search for it all over again. But fear not! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to swiftly reopen closed tabs on your Mac, saving you time and sanity. Whether you use Safari, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Learn how to reopen closed tab on Mac in various web browsers. Follow our guide to easily recover accidentally closed tabs and enhance your browsing experience

Reopen closed tab on Mac Safari

Reopen the closed tab on Mac Safari
Reopen the closed tab on Mac Safari

As you can view multiple pages in a Safari window by opening them in new tabs. We all have faced the problem of accidentally closing all the tabs or windows while scrolling around the tabs while doing our research or by kids who just love to hit any keys on the keyboard. Not to worry as we have solutions to undo and overcome this catastrophic situation. Here’s how Mac lets you reopen your closed tabs in the following different ways.

  1. Using the shortcut key or menu 
how to reopen closed tab in safari using shortcut key and safari history
how to reopen closed tab in safari using shortcut key and safari history

You can use the standard undo shortcut Command + Z or choose Undo Close Tab from the Edit menu, if you have closed multiple tabs in a row.

This shortcut won’t work if you have already performed another undo action after closing the window.

By pressing Shift + Command + Z  keys together, you can reopen your browser’s most recently closed tab. These shortcuts can be repeatedly used to open previously Closed Tab in the order they were closed.

This shortcut is popular in web browsers like Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. If this doesn’t work in your browser check for the correct keyboard shortcut in your browser’s documentation or settings.

  1. Using the Tab option 

It not only creates a new tab but also restores your recently closed tabs. For the older version, click and hold the “+”  icon on Safari’s tab bar; for the new version, you can find it in the toolbar. After clicking and holding a pop-down menu appears that shows all your closed tabs in these browsing sessions.

  1. Using safari history

You can revisit your recently closed webpage by choosing the Recently Closed item from Safari’s History menu which will show the list of recently Closed web pages.
Don’t forget you can Merge all Safari tabs to a single window by choosing Merge All Windows action from the window menu.

Reopen the closed tab on Chrome Browser

Google Chrome is the most widely used web browser around the world with an estimation of around 62% worldwide market share. So it means there is a high probability of people closing the tab accidentally. Lucky Us browser provides certain solutions that will help us in our hard periods.

Here are a few steps on how you can recover the closed tabs in Chrome browser on Mac.

  1. Using the shortcut key
how to reopen a closed browser tab in chrome safari edge and firefox mac chrome reopen tab
Reopen the closed tab on Chrome Browser in Google Chome

By pressing Shift + Command +T keys you can revisit your last closed tab. This process can be done multiple times to reopen multiple tabs you have visited before.

  1. Using File menubar

You can open your Chrome browser and click on Files on the menubar. After clicking it you can see a drop list where you will see Reopen Closed Tab. Clicking on it you can revisit your previously closed tab.

  1. Using History menubar
  • By clicking the History from the menu bar you can see the last 10 closed tabs under the Recently closed. click any to revisit or reopen the accidentally closed tab.

By clicking on history and Show Full History or (Command + Y) you can revisit all the web pages you have visited.

Note: Brave use chromium kernel. The accidently closed tab can be reopened by following the guide for the chrome browser.

 Reopen the closed tab in Firefox

If you are using Firefox as your browser on Mac then don’t worry we have got a solution for you to fix the accidentally closed tab.

Reopen the closed tab on Firefox Browser
Reopen the closed tab on Firefox Browser
  1. Using the shortcut key

Similarly to Chrome and Safari, you can use Shift + Command + T to revisit your closed tabs and it can be done multiple times to open multiple tabs.

  1. Using History on Menubar.
  • After opening Firefox you can go to the History option where on the drop list you can find the Recently Closed Tab and click on the tab you are interested in.

Go to the History option on Firefox and click on Reopen All Tabs that you closed accidentally in the previous session.


Hope you got the idea of how we can reopen our tabs on Mac on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browser once we lost them accidentally and fix them quickly without affecting your productivity and knowing you have always a solution to overcome such problems. 

Although safari may seem confusing and complicated to work on for new users but with experience and a few essential tricks you will experience a safari offer spectacular browsing experience. Using Chrome and Firefox may be easy and handy as many people use them. But the accidentally closed tab problems will appear on all so I feel you got the idea to tackle accidentally closed Safari, chrome, and Firefox tabs.

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