What is new in Laravel 9.0?
Laravel 9.0 is recently released with many new features including including a minimum PHP v8.0 version, controller route groups, a refreshed default Ignition error page, Laravel Scout database engine, Symfony mailer integration, Flysystem 3.x, Improved Eloquent accessors/mutators, and many more features.
Laravel release its LTS version every 12 month instead of releasing every 6 months in past. For all Laravel releases, bug fixes are provided for 18 months till August 8th, 2023 and security fixes are provided for 2 years till February 8th, 2024. For all additional libraries, including Lumen, only the latest release receives bug fixes. In addition, please review the database versions supported by Laravel.
Here are some of the major features that we’ve covered in detail in our What is new in Laravel 9.0 post:
- PHP 8 is the minimum version
- New Design for routes:list
- New test
option displays coverage directly in the terminal - Anonymous Stub Migrations are now the default
- New Query Builder Interface
- PHP 8 String Functions
- Moved mailer functionality from SwiftMailer to Symfony Mailer
- Flysystem 3.x
- Improved Eloquent Accessors/Mutators
- Implicit Route Bindings With Enums (PHP 8.1)
- Controller Route Groups
- Laravel Breeze API & Next.js
- Enum Eloquent Attribute Casting
- Forced Scoped Binding
- Laravel Scout Database Engine
- Full-Text Indexes / Where Clauses
- Soketi Echo Server
- Rendering Inline Blade Templates
- Optional Bootstrap 5 Pagination Views
- Improved Ignition Exception Page
- New
helper functions
You can find more about Laravel 9.0 from the Laravel Official Website.
Great delivery. Solid arguments. Keep up the great work.